23 research outputs found

    Application of image processing methodologies for fruit detection and analysis

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    En aquesta memòria es presenten diversos treballs d'investigació centrats en l’automatització d’operacions agrícoles mitjançant l’aplicació de diverses tècniques de processament d’imatge. En primer lloc es presenta un mètode desenvolupat per detectar i comptar raïms mitjançant la localització de pics d'intensitat en superfícies esfèriques. En segon lloc es desenvolupa un sistema de recol•lecció automàtica de fruita mitjançant la combinació d'una càmera estereoscòpica de baix cost i un braç robòtic. En tercer lloc es proposa una aplicació en què es desenvolupa un mètode basat en l'ús de la informació de color per a la verificació d'una varietat de nectarines de forma automàtica i individual en una línia d’embalatge de fruita. Finalment s’han estudiat les correlacions entre els paràmetres de qualitat de la fruita i el espectre visible de la seva pell amb l’objectiu de controlar la seva qualitat de forma no destructiva durant el seu emmagatzematge.En esta memoria se presentan diversos trabajos de investigación centrados en la automatización de operaciones agrícolas mediante la aplicación de distintas técnicas de procesado de imágenes. En primer lugar se presenta un método desarrollado para detectar y contar uvas rojas mediante la identificación de picos de intensidad en las superficies esféricas. En segundo lugar se desarrolla un sistema de recolección automática de fruta mediante la combinación de una cámara estereoscópica de bajo coste y un brazo robótico. En tercer lugar se propone una aplicación en la que se desarrolla un método de procesamiento de imágenes basado en el uso de la información de color para la verificación de una variedad de nectarinas de forma automática e individual en una línea de envasado de fruta. Finalmente se han estudiado las correlaciones entre los parámetros de calidad de la fruta y el espectro visible de su piel con el fin de controlar su calidad de forma no destructiva durante el almacenamiento.This memory introduces several research works developed to automate agricultural tasks by applying image processing techniques. In the first place a new image processing method is proposed for detecting and counting red grapes by identifying specular reflection peaks from spherical surfaces. The proposal of the second application is to develop an automatic fruit harvesting system by combining a low cost stereovision camera and a robotic arm. The third application proposed is to develop a novel image processing method based on the use of color information to verify an in-line automatic and individual nectarine variety verification in a fruitpacking line. Finally, a study focused on assessing correlations between post-storage fruit quality indices and the visible spectra of the skin of the fruit is proposed in order to control fruit quality in a non-destructive way during the storage

    An embedded real-time red peach detection system based on an OV7670 camera, ARM Cortex-M4 processor and 3D Look-Up Tables

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    This work proposes the development of an embedded real-time fruit detection system for future automatic fruit harvesting. The proposed embedded system is based on an ARM Cortex-M4 (STM32F407VGT6) processor and an Omnivision OV7670 color camera. The future goal of this embedded vision system will be to control a robotized arm to automatically select and pick some fruit directly from the tree. The complete embedded system has been designed to be placed directly in the gripper tool of the future robotized harvesting arm. The embedded system will be able to perform real-time fruit detection and tracking by using a three-dimensional look-up-table (LUT) defined in the RGB color space and optimized for fruit picking. Additionally, two different methodologies for creating optimized 3D LUTs based on existing linear color models and fruit histograms were implemented in this work and compared for the case of red peaches. The resulting system is able to acquire general and zoomed orchard images and to update the relative tracking information of a red peach in the tree ten times per second

    A proposal for automatic fruit harvesting by combining a low cost stereovision camera and a robotic arm

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    This paper proposes the development of an automatic fruit harvesting system by combining a low cost stereovision camera and a robotic arm placed in the gripper tool. The stereovision camera is used to estimate the size, distance and position of the fruits whereas the robotic arm is used to mechanically pickup the fruits. The low cost stereovision system has been tested in laboratory conditions with a reference small object, an apple and a pear at 10 different intermediate distances from the camera. The average distance error was from 4% to 5%, and the average diameter error was up to 30% in the case of a small object and in a range from 2% to 6% in the case of a pear and an apple. The stereovision system has been attached to the gripper tool in order to obtain relative distance, orientation and size of the fruit. The harvesting stage requires the initial fruit location, the computation of the inverse kinematics of the robotic arm in order to place the gripper tool in front of the fruit, and a final pickup approach by iteratively adjusting the vertical and horizontal position of the gripper tool in a closed visual loop. The complete system has been tested in controlled laboratory conditions with uniform illumination applied to the fruits. As a future work, this system will be tested and improved in conventional outdoor farming conditions

    A mobile robot agent for gas leak source detection

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    Trends in Practical Applications of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems. The PAAMS Collection.This paper presents an autonomous agent for gas leak source detec-tion. The main objective of the robot is to estimate the localization of the gas leak source in an indoor environment without any human intervention. The agent implements an SLAM procedure to scan and map the indoor area. The mobile robot samples gas concentrations with a gas and a wind sensor in order to estimate the source of the gas leak. The mobile robot agent will use the in-formation obtained from the onboard sensors in order to define an efficient scanning path. This paper describes the measurement results obtained in a long corridor with a gas leak source placed close to a wall.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministery of Economy and Competitivity, Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica: TEC2011-26143, and by the Government of Catalonia (Comisionat per a Universitats i Recerca, Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa) and the European Social Fund

    Design and implementation of a modular body for an underwater robot

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    In the context of underwater robotics, most vehicles currently deployed use a propulsion system based on propellers. Propellers are very efficient but they tend to be noisy and fragile, in particular, in cluttered environment. Webbed legs are used by animals such as freshwater turtles so they may be a viable alternative to propellers. This project is part of a larger study that may lead to the development of an underwater robot using web feet propulsion in similar fashion as sea‐turtle or even freshwater‐turtle. First of all, a mechanism working with 3 degrees of freedom should be designed in order to generate the movement of the webbed legs. Different mechanisms have been proposed and studied in terms of energy, compactness, sealing, durability… At the end, a discussion between them is done using a decision matrix to decide which one is the best alternative to implement. The second aim of the project is to study the body of the robot like modules, separate exchangeable parts dedicated to sensors, actuators, electronics or power. Modules with similar functions should be designed following these requirements: capability to support pressure at depth up to 10m, mechanical connection of the modules and sealing.Outgoin